Halong Bay is the spirit of all Vietnam holidays. This is why all tourists to Vietnam would like to join Halong bay tours from 1 day to 3 days or 4 days.
There are so many operators offering Halong bay tours from Hanoi. Many tours are excellent, but many tours are so bad and terrible. Every cruise operator says and guarantees their boats safe and best at its level.
However, some of the cruises were sunk on the stunning bay, killing some foreign tourists including Vietnamese tour guide in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 just because the boats are old and poor quality. after the sinking, the boat may have a new name.
Now, there are near 500 Halong bay cruises from standard to luxury styles. Therefore, how to choose the best one to meet your style is a big question. That's why I have collected Halong bay tours reviews from our own tourists. If you have any reviews of the excellent or unsatisfied cruises in Halong bay, do not hesitate to send us. We will publise it here.
On August 29th 2014, A boat sunk in Halong bay with 12 foriegn tourists, but luckily there are no casualties. Tung Trang boat was cruising near Kissing checken islets when the accident happened because of strong wind. More information on this accident, jusk click the link: Boat sinking in Halong bay
On Nov 10th 2013, Cruise named QN -1555 was sunk in Bai Chay pier. Luckily there was casualty because there was no tourists on the boat at that time. no More information on this accident, jusk click the link: Boat sinking in Halong bay
At 15h30 on Oct 3nd 2012, The accident between the tender of Paraside cruise QN - 6688 and Dong Phong cruise happened near Suprising cave. 18 tourists on the tender were sunk. Luckily, 13 people were rescued. More information on this accident, just follow the link: Halong bay boat accident
On Feb 17th 2011, Truong Hai 06 boat was sunk in Halong bay killing 11 foreign tourists and Vietnamese tour guide. The captain, Nguyen Van Minh and the machinist, Nguyen Van Thang were captured. More information on this accident - in UK publication, just follow the link: Halong bay sinking
At 15:00 on May 8th 2011, The cruise - QN 2070 belonging to Hai Long Co, Ltd were sunk in Halong bay. However, luckily there was no casualty because all tourists were visiting Surprising cave at that time. More information on this accident, just follow the link: Halong bay boat sinking
From: Carl Johan Ahderseh [carlja@online.no]
Sent: 2013-04-08 17:36:19 CEST
To: Thai Ta [info@deluxevietnamtours.com]
Thai. Thanks for 12 wonderful day tours in Vietnam. A fantastic program as you knew. Indochina Sails and Intercontinental Westlake Hotel were absolutely fantastic. I was in Hanoi in November 2011 and took Now with 15 friends this time in March 2013 with Indochina Sails. I come again!
Best Regards,
Carl Johan
Phone: +47 915 70860
Sentumsun. 8
4640 Segne
from: choiphusy@gmail.com
to: deluxevietnamtours@gmail.com
Hi Hien Do,
Thank for good advice for 3days/2nights Halong bay tour. Our cabins are luxury. Seafood is really good. Kayaking around floating village is fantastic. Especially, the second day in Halong bay is amazing as you said getting lost in Paradise on Earth. Indochina Sails' staff is very pro. Our friends said their trip to Sapa with you is wonderfull, too. Will use your company for next trip to Vietnam.
Choi phusy
From: Laura Jane [laurajane576@gmail.com]
To: Thai Ta [info@deluxevietnamtours.com]
Hi Thai,
Thank for making a wonderful holiday. However, 3nights in Hanoi is too much for us and a day trip to Tamcoc is too short. We should have spent 1night in Tamcoc. We saw very good hotels there. 3 day Halong bay tour overnight on Victory Star is really wonderful. All your tour guides and drivers are excellent. You should give more water on the van for us
Laura Jane
29day Agriculture Study tour
From: John Fish - afish@earthform.net.au
Subject: Australian Farmers Tour
To: Thai - info@deluxevietnamtours.com
Sent: Sun, Jul 7, 2013 4:48:27 AM
Dear Thai,
Thank you for your excellent guidance through your lovely country Vietnam, and Cambodia.
Our son Adrian arrives today in Da nang with his family.
I have taken the liberty of giving him your name and contact details.
Our phone number in Australia is
Phone +61 (0) 353608226
Mobile 0406721727
All the very best to you and your family
John and Maureen Fish
5day Vietnam tour
A message to Thai, our guide
We arrived home tired but safely and thank you for all your efforts on our
Our friends reported that you did an excellent job of touring with them. We
look forward to the next time we tour with you.
Thank you and very best wishes,
Beej Nierengarten-Smith
Barbara Jean (Beej) Nierengarten-Smith, Ed.D.
13 Sundance Drive
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87506
Phone: 505-820-0637 Fax: 505-820-0716
Cell: 505-231-5004
E-Mail: beejsmith@earthlink.net
Website: beejsmith.net
3day Halong bay tour
Dear Ms Hien Do,
We have just returned from our 3 day Indochina cruise and it was wonderful. Everything was very good.
I should like to thank you personally for your helpfulness and your efficiency in booking our trip. Your help to us is very much appreciated.
I wish you every good fortune for the future.
Very best regards
Tony Kerr,
United Kingdom
Mail: anthonykerr1@btinternet.com
All contents by http://deluxevietnamtours.com, site by Anariel. All rights reserved.