Hoa Lo prison Historic Vestige
Add: 1 Hoa Lo street - Hoan Kiem -Hanoi
Tel: +84.4.38246358
Openning: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Due to the grown and development of popular anti-colonial movements from Vietnamese people, the French government of Indochina built Hoa Lo prison in 1896 to reinforce its suppression and developing the court system and extensive network of prisons. Hoa Lo prison is the biggest prison in the north Vietam including others in Cao Bang, Hai Phong, Son La and Lai Chau.
Even it was under construction on the site of Phu Khanh craft village, Hoa Lo prison started keeping Vietnamese patriots and revultionary fighters in 1899. It soon became the place where thousand Vietnamese fighters were imprisioned and tortured physically and spiritually. Thought the conditions applied by the French guards were so terrible like tiny cells with chains and leg-irons...., Vietnamese prisoners turned Hoa Lo prison to be a school of revolutionaries and staging frequent attempts to escape from the clutches of their oppressors. Many of them sacrificed their lives here for the independence and freedoom.
The famous patiots imprisoned here were Phan Boi Chau, Ho Tung Mau, Nguyen Quyen, Luong Van Can and the revolutionaries who late became the General Secretaries of the Vietnamese Commuist Party were Nguyen Van Cu, Truong Chinh, Le Duan, Nguyen Van Linh, Do Muoi.
On October 10th 1954, Hanoi was librated, Hoa Lo prison was used to detain criminal offenders. From August 5th 1964 to March 31th 1973, Hoa Lo was used to detain American Pilots whose aircrafts were shot down over Ha Noi. This is also the period when American pilots gave Hoa Lo prison the nickname - Ha Noi Hilton.
In 1993 two-thirds of the prison was destroyed to build Hanoi Towers serving apartments and offices. One-third was kept as a museum for tourists on Hanoi holiday to visit and learn about Vietnamese history.
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